Search Results: compliance expert

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Provider Cost Report Audits

A High Risk Area Not To Be Overlooked One high risk area often overlooked by compliance officers involves the cost…


IRO Claims Reviews Revisited

Healthcare entities that enter into corporate integrity agreements (CIAs) or integrity agreements (IAs) with the U.S. Department of Health and…


IRO Claims Reviews Revisited

Healthcare entities that enter into corporate integrity agreements (CIAs) or integrity agreements (IAs) with the U.S. Department of Health and…

Blog Post

Choosing Your Hotline Vendor

An Informational Guide for Hotline Vendor Selection and Tips on What to Expect from Your Vendor By definition, all effective…

Blog Post

Largest EMTALA Settlement

Tips for Performing Ongoing Monitoring and Auditing AnMed Health, a hospital located in South Carolina, recently agreed to pay $1.3…