Archived Webinar

Evaluating Hotline Program Effectiveness Against DOJ & HHS OIG Standards

November 17, 2020 - 1:00 PM EST

On November 17, 2020, Strategic Management and SAI Global discussed how to evaluate the effectiveness of your compliance hotline program and best practices to enhance the existing program. 

Since 1998, HHS OIG has issued Compliance Guidance documents that outline seven elements of an effective compliance program. Much of the OIGโ€™s Compliance Guidance focuses on confidential compliance communication channels and hotline operations.  More recently, the DOJ issued its own guidance, โ€œEvaluation of Corporate Compliance Programsโ€ to assist prosecutors in evaluating the effectiveness of a compliance program at time the offense.  Many of questions used to evaluate the compliance program address the organizationโ€™s hotline and confidential reporting channels. 

Our Webinar provides a means by which organizations may self-evaluate their hotline operation by applying HHS OIG standards and DOJ prosecutor questions. Topics that will be covered in the Webinar include:

  • Guidance from HHS OIG, DOJ and USSC
  • Hotline structure, implementation and standard policies
  • Checklists when engaging a hotline vendor
  • Promoting the hotline to your workforce
  • Factors that affect report volume
  • Report in-take and reporter feedback
  • Investigating and resolving reports
  • Managing hotline information
  • Monitoring and auditing the hotline program and process

A Q&A session followed the presentation.

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through our partner, SAI Global

Richard Kusserow Richard P. Kusserow, Chief Executive Officer
Richard P. Kusserow established Strategic Management Services, LLC, after retiring from being the DHHS Inspector General, and has assisted over 3,000 health care organizations and entities in developing, implementing and assessing compliance programs. Read More