Industry News

HHS Announces New Meaningful Consent Site.

Lisa Shuman | September 2013

The Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced a new site, called Meaningful Consent, to address laws, policies, and issues related to health information exchange (HIE).  The Meaningful Consent site contains background, lessons learned, videos, and customizable tools from the eConsent pilot project.  The eConsent pilot project tested the use of tablet computers to educate patients about available options to share health information through HIE.  HHS created the information on this site for providers, certain health information organizations, and other implementers of health information technology.

Further information on Meaningful Consent is available at:

The HHS news release on the Meaningful Consent site is available at:

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.  โ€œHHS Launches Meaningful Consent Site.โ€  News Release.  17 Sep. 2013.

About the Author

Ms. Shuman assists health care organizations to develop, implement and evaluate their compliance programs and HIPAA privacy programs. Ms. Shuman specializes in our firmโ€™s HIPAA Privacy services, including leading privacy investigations, breach risk assessments, breach notification letters, breach reporting to the Office for Civil Rights and corrective actions plans. She specializes in serving as Interim Privacy Officer for large health care systems, managed care organizations, comprehensive cancer center and health care business associate.