Industry News

OCR Announces HIPAA Settlement for Careless Handling of HIV Information.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) recently reported that St. Lukeโ€™s-Roosevelt Hospital Center Inc. (St. Lukeโ€™s) paid $387,200 as part of a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) settlement.  St. Lukeโ€™s also agreed to implement a comprehensive corrective action plan (CAP) to settle the HIPAA Privacy Rule violations.  St. Lukeโ€™s provides comprehensive health services to persons living with HIV or AIDS and other chronic diseases.  The compliance review was initiated when OCR responded to a complaint alleging that a St. Lukeโ€™s staff member made an impermissible disclosure of a patientโ€™s protected health information (PHI) to the complainantโ€™s employer.  The alleged disclosure included sensitive information concerning HIV status, medical care, sexually transmitted diseases, medications, sexual orientation, mental health diagnosis, and physical abuse.  OCR found that St. Lukeโ€™s staff impermissibly faxed the patientโ€™s PHI to his employer rather than sending it to the requested personal post office box.  OCR also found another related breach that occurred nine months earlier; however, St. Lukes had not addressed the vulnerabilities in their compliance program, since then, to prevent impermissible disclosures.

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