Industry News

OIG Issues Fall 2014 Semiannual Report to Congress.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) recently issued its Fall 2014 (April-September) Semiannual Report to Congress.  For fiscal year (FY) 2014, the OIG reported:

  • Over $4.9 billion in expected recoveries;
  • Exclusions of 4,017 individuals and entities from participation in federal health care programs;
  • 971 criminal actions for HHS program-related crimes; and
  • 533 civil actions.

The report also highlights the success of the Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team.  For FY 2014, the Medicare Fraud Strike Force teamโ€™s efforts resulted in the filing of charges against 228 individuals and entities, 232 criminal actions, and $441 million in investigative receivables.  Additionally, a nationwide Strike Force takedown resulted in charges against 90 individuals who allegedly participated in schemes involving around $260 million in false claims.

The OIG report also identifies Medicare wasteful payments, policies, and practices; and reasons for Medicare and Medicaid improper claims and payments.  Further, the report evaluates HHSโ€™ implementation and operation of the Affordable Care Act programs and progress.

The OIGโ€™s Fall 2014 Semiannual Report to Congress is available at:

Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General.  โ€œFall 2014 Semiannual Report to Congress.โ€  10 Dec. 2014.