Industry News

OIG Revises the Self-Disclosure Protocol

The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) recently issued a revised Self-Disclosure Protocol (SDP). The SDP allows providers and suppliers to voluntarily report to the OIG potential violations of civil, criminal, or administrative law governing Federal health care programs for which exclusions or civil monetary penalties (CMPs) are authorized. Key highlights of the revised SDP include the following:

  • Clarifies the entities that can use the SDP;
  • Outlines information required for submittal by a disclosing party in particular types of disclosures;
  • Describes OIGโ€™s cooperation with other agencies regarding matters associated with the SDP; and
  • Outlines OIGโ€™s minimum settlement requirements.

The OIG’s revised SDP is available here.

Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General. “Updated OIG’s Provider Self-Disclosure Protocol.” Notice. 17 Apr. 2013.